Mythology of Libra, Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius
In ancient Sumeria, the sign of Capricorn was often related to the earth Saturn and therefore the Sumerian deity Enki. But the complete picture of Capricorn as we all know it today comes from the traditional Greeks. In Greek mythology , Cronus was a Titan, and therefore the father of the gods.
Just as he overthrew his own father, Uranos, Cronus knew he would be overthrown by one among his children.
Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, all of them were swallowed before they might get older and threaten his rule.
Zeus was hidden away during a cave and raised by foster parents. There are different versions of the parable .
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When Zeus was sufficiently old , he released the imprisoned brothers of Cronus--the Giants and therefore the Cyclopes--who gave him power over thunder and lightning. With their help, Zeus was ready to overthrow Cronus, and force him to spit out Zeus' brothers and sisters.
In some versions, the goat's skin became the Golden Fleece that Jason and therefore the Argonauts looked for .
In thanks for tending him as a baby, Zeus placed Amalthea within the sky, because the constellation Capricornus, the Goat.
Libra may be a relatively young sign.
Originally, within the Zodiac developed by ancient Babylon, there have been only eleven signs. Scorpio took up a double-sized slice of the sky, and was immediately followed by Virgo.
The mythology concerning Virgo is extremely difficult to pin down, because there are numerous maidens spread across mythology. the foremost common, though, are Ishtar, Demeter, or Astraea.
This made Virgo the blindfolded goddess of Justice we all know today. But that also didn't work, because now Virgo took up an oversized slice of the sky.
The ancient Romans solved the matter by cutting the scales from both Scorpio and Virgo and making them a constellation--and a symbol of the Zodiac--in their title . Libra remains the sole sign that's not an individual or an animal.
The sign of Pisces, a faint constellation, has always been referred to as two fish. The Greek myth presumably to be related to Pisces is that the story of how Aphrodite and her son Heros escaped from the monster Typhon. The pair became fish, and tied their tails together to form sure they weren't separated. Even today, many depictions of Pisces show a line or bar connecting the 2 fish.
One of the oldest signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius is widely related to the Greek myth of Ganymede, the cup-bearer of the gods, and therefore the first mortal ever to be became an immortal.
Ganymede is surrounded by water constellations. Near him are Pisces the fish, Eridanus the river, Delphinus the dolphin, and Cetus the ocean monster.
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